Cheers to Watts greatness jeers to Schwartz silliness

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Cheers to Watts greatness jeers to Schwartz silliness

Welcome to the Around The Tyler Rogers Jersey NFL End Around, a weekly look back at the world of the National Football League. serves as your guide.It was a good week for ...1. : The quarterback was practically glowing on the podium after over the . Call it a hunch, but I don't think Brady enjoyed a week of speculation about his imminent demise.2. CBS "Thursday Night Football": When the went up 24-0 in the first quarter, it looked like Phil and Jim's long national nightmare would continue for another week. But the made a game of it, giving us actual compelling football on a Thursday night. The cast of Big Bang Theory will get their year-end bonus' after all!3. : His performance against the in a losing effort was the representation of. I implore you to watch it on . We are all witne ses.It was a bad week for ...1. :, you can probably drop him from your fantasy team now.2. : It old Rexy will find a way to escape the guillotine this time. He'll be somebody's stud defensive coordinator next season before landing another head coaching gig in 2016.3. : Landing in the top spot of Chris We seling's list is not the real estate you'd expect from an alleged favorite.Film room disaster footageHow much did not want to go to work on Monday morning?Now that's how you salvage your Peyton Hillis jersey purchase: her jersey. Here you go Busted Coverage (@bustedcoverage) What Brandon Belt Jersey the what?I understand was elated to beat the on . Seriously, I get it. Who wouldn't love to stick it to the employer that didn't think you were good enough? But I can't get behind Schwartz allowing his players to carry him off the field. After a regular-season game. In early October. It's even worse when you learn this is something he'd requested long ago.This isn't an ACT-LIKE-YOU'VE-BEEN-THERE-BEFORE rant. I'm not Joe Buck as Randy Mo s celebrates touchdowns at Lambeau Field. I just cannot say I disagree on this one.Get a girlfriend, manTurns out this is the mascot of 's high school. I'm sure it Jandel Gustave Jersey warmed the cockles of AD's heart to receive this type of support at his criminal arraignment.Tweet of the weekI'm watching the Jets play San Diego and it's no fun at all. Joe Namath (@RealJoeNamath) Broadway Joe nails it.Me sage receivedCool dad!Respect for a cla sicThe Chargers play the Joe Panik Jersey original N64 1998 NFL Blitz in the locker room and this is officially the best locker room. Robert Klemko (@RobertKlemko) First off, how great is it that somebody on the has an N64 setup at their locker? Brilliant. Second, this shows off some great vintage gamer taste. 1998's NFL Blitz is, easily, the most fun football video game ever produced. Madden changed the thinking of what a sports game could be, but Blitz was bit-for-bit the best game to play with your dorm buddies at 3 a.m.Sometimes you don't want to think when you have a control in your hands. Sometimes you just want to windmill-propeller throw a running back 15 yards. This was the e sential brilliance of Blitz.Quote of the Week, Part I"I still have never seen anybody chug a beer faster than Tom Brady."-- Ro s Tucker, former teammate and Quote of the Week, Part II"I don't know what it is. We're drama queens I gue s."-- after the pulled off the biggest road comeback in NFL history in a 29-28 win over the Speaking of which ...This is how you celebrate an emotional win, !Villain of the Gaylord Perry Jersey Week: Laser pointer guyThe have an unnamed individual from Ford Field for shining a laser pointer at players during Sunday's game. I ask this seriously: Has a Laser Pointer Guy ever grown up to be a functional member of a society?It's not too late kid, but you're off to a foreboding start.Until next time ...The " Podcast" is now available on iTunes! to listen and subscribe.