If you own Fallout 76 on Bethesda.net, you can get a Steam copy free

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If you own Fallout 76 on Bethesda.net, you can get a Steam copy free

Bethesda has made the upcoming Steam version of Fallout 76 free Fallout 76 Items to those who own the game on Bethesda's launcher.

If you own Fallout 76 on Bethesda.net and you link your Steam account by 13th April, you get a Steam copy free.

The promotion comes ahead of the launch of Fallout 76's long-awaited and free Wastelanders expansion, which adds NPCs and story content to the MMO. Wastelanders and Fallout 76 launch on Steam on 14th April.

Even if you haven't bought Fallout 76 on Bethesda.net, if you buy Fallout 76 on Steam from 14th to 28th April you get the Fallout Classic Collection, which includes Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics - for free. (If you own the game on Bethesda.net and activate your free Steam copy, you also get the Fallout Classic Collection during that two-week post-launch window.)

It's worth noting you can't transfer your Atoms (the game's premium currency) or Fallout 1st membership balance between Bethesda.net and Steam. Atoms you earn are specific to one platform or the other, Bethesda said. However, items you have bought through the Atomic Shop are available in both Bethesda.net and Steam. All game progress carries, in fact. Atoms and the Fallout 1st membership are the only parts which are not integrated due to "technical limitations". Bethesda said it won't transfer or refund Atoms: "We recommend spending your Atoms prior to switching launchers." It sounds like if you get in touch with customer support, Bethesda may be able to sort out transferring your Fallout 1st membership, though.

Your friends list on Bethesda.net is the same as the one on Steam, so all PC playersBuy Fallout 76 Itemscan play together, regardless of launcher.
