What are the Drink Driving Laws in UK? Brief guide by Motoring Defence

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What are the Drink Driving Laws in UK? Brief guide by Motoring Defence

Drink driving is a serious offence in the UK, carrying significant penalties that can impact your life for years. The rules are strict, and the consequences can be life-changing, from losing your license to facing a prison sentence. If you’ve been charged with drink driving, it’s essential to understand the laws, penalties, and how solicitors can help you navigate the legal system.

Motoring Defence  specialize in handling drink driving cases, ensuring that every client gets the expert legal support they need. Whether it's reducing penalties or challenging the charge, our team of solicitors drink driving cases with a focused and strategic approach.

What Counts as Drink Driving in UK?

Drink driving occurs when a person operates a vehicle after consuming alcohol beyond the legal limit. The UK has strict limits for alcohol consumption for drivers, which are measured through breath, blood, or urine tests.

· England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: The legal limit is 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 milliliters of breath, 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, or 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of urine.

· Scotland: The limits are lower, with 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100 milliliters of breath, 50 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood, or 67 milligrams per 100 milliliters of urine.

Exceeding these limits will result in a charge for drink driving, which is not only a criminal offence but can lead to a range of severe penalties. If you are in this situation, it’s crucial to seek legal help. Our solicitors drink driving cases can help protect your rights and possibly mitigate the consequences.

The Consequences of Drink Driving

The penalties for drink driving in UK are harsh because of the potential danger it poses to other road users. Even a small amount of alcohol can affect reaction times, decision-making, and motor skills, leading to accidents. Here are some of the possible consequences of being convicted for drink driving:

1. Driving Ban

One of the most common penalties is a driving ban. For a first-time offence, drivers can be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months. Repeat offenders can face bans of up to three years or more.

2. Fines and Imprisonment

Drink driving can also result in a heavy fine, sometimes up to £5,000. In severe cases, especially where there’s an accident involved, offenders may face a prison sentence of up to six months.

3. Points on Your License

In addition to a driving ban and fine, points may be added to your license. Accumulating points can lead to higher insurance premiums, and if you accumulate 12 points within three years, you may face further driving disqualifications.

4. Criminal Record

A drink driving conviction will appear on your criminal record, which can have long-lasting effects on employment opportunities and even international travel.

Given these severe penalties, it’s essential to seek legal advice if you’re facing a charge. Motoring Defence has a team of experienced solicitors drink driving cases, providing expert guidance and representation to help you minimize the consequences.

How a Solicitor Can Help You?

If you’ve been charged with drink driving, working with a solicitor can be the difference between facing the full brunt of the law and achieving a more favorable outcome. Here’s how we can help you at Motoring Defence:

1. Assessing the Case

The first step our solicitors take is to assess the specific details of your case. This involves reviewing the circumstances of the arrest, how the breath, blood, or urine tests were conducted, and whether there were any legal errors in the procedure. If there were faults in how the police handled your arrest or test, your case could potentially be dismissed.

2. Exploring Possible Defences

In some situations, there may be valid defences for drink driving. For example, if you consumed alcohol after you stopped driving but before the police arrived, or if you were driving under duress or medical conditions that influenced your behavior. We’ll explore all possible defences to ensure the best outcome.

3. Negotiating Sentencing

Even in cases where a conviction is likely, our solicitors work to reduce penalties. This could involve arguing for a shorter driving ban, reducing fines, or minimizing the risk of a custodial sentence. Our solicitors drink driving cases have successfully helped clients avoid the harshest consequences.

4. Guiding You Through Court

Drink driving cases often go to court, which can be intimidating. Our team provides full representation, guiding you through every stage of the process and presenting a strong case on your behalf. We’ll explain what to expect and prepare you for your court appearance to ensure you’re as ready as possible.

How to Avoid Drink Driving Charges?

While legal support is essential if you’ve been charged, the best course of action is to avoid drink driving altogether. Here are a few tips to help you stay on the right side of the law:

· Use Public Transport: If you plan to drink, arrange a taxi or use public transport to get home safely.

· Plan Ahead: If you're going out and know you’ll be drinking, make arrangements beforehand for your transport. Avoid the temptation to drive later on.

· Know Your Limits: If you’ve had even one drink, it’s best not to drive. Alcohol affects people differently, and you may be over the limit even if you don’t feel drunk.

· Use Breathalysers: Personal breathalyser kits are available, allowing you to check your alcohol levels before deciding to drive.

By being cautious and making informed choices, you can avoid the risk of facing a drink driving charge and the potential penalties that come with it.

Why Choose Motoring Defence?

we specialize in defending individuals against all types of motoring offences, including drink driving. Our experienced team understands the complexities of the legal system and works hard to ensure that our clients receive the best possible defence. We take pride in providing personalized, expert legal support that focuses on the individual needs of each case.

When you work with Motoring Defence, you’ll receive:

· Expert Legal Advice: Our solicitors are well-versed in drink driving laws and will work to explore every possible avenue to reduce or dismiss charges.

· Personalized Support: We treat each case individually, tailoring our approach to your specific situation.

· Proven Results: We have a strong track record of helping clients achieve positive outcomes in drink driving cases.


Drink driving is a serious offence in the UK, with penalties that can have long-term effects on your life. If you’re facing a drink driving charge, it’s crucial to seek expert legal advice from solicitors who specialize in motoring offences. At Motoring Defence, our team of solicitors drink driving cases will work closely with you to provide the best possible defence and minimize the impact on your life.

For reliable, expert legal support in drink driving cases, contact Motoring Defence today. Let us guide you through the legal process and ensure the best outcome for your case.

